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Maxim Trubitski Young Ecommerce Entrepreneur

Maxim Trubitski has traveled the world whilst working from his laptop. Meet Maxim Trubitski, a young entrepreneur that knows how to work smart, not hard. 

Thanks for coming and having a chat with us. What would you say has been the highlight for you over the years with everything you have achieved? 

The highlight would definitely be my world’s travels. At just 18 years old, I’m incredibly grateful to have seen Brazil, South Africa, Czech Republic, Austria, England, France, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Argentina, Holland, Russia, and most countries in the Caribbean! I love taking in the culture, meeting new people, taking my best friends on ridiculous trips, staying in mesmerizing Airbnbs, and just turning in to a lifestyle. What I’ve enjoyed most is paying off my trips on my vacations. Just this New Year I’d spend $13,000 in a club in just 1 night and have the day’s sales get deposited the next day! 

What made you start e-commerce? 

I had a friend who was already seeing good monthly revenue, and he motivated me to try it out myself because I had already tried a number of businesses. From hosting parties, to giving photoshoots, to building modeling management, I was very trying in my entrepreneurial endeavors- but saw very limited success until I finally got the hang of Ecommerce. 

What was the feeling like when you sold your first item? 

I had so much faith in Ecommerce when I just started out that I almost expected to see thousands of sales right away. I knew that Ecommerce had incredible potential because everything is shifting online. So when the first sale came right away, I “wasn’t surprised.” But just because I was getting sales, didn’t mean I was actually profiting! After my first couple hundred dollars in sales- it turns out I was in the negative. 

But I was guessing on my marketing. It took me months of split testing and optimizing the strategies I learned to actually see a profitable month- and it took off from there! 

Are there any do’s and don’ts in the e-commerce world? 

There are a million Dos & Don’ts. Follow one strategy, a strategy that produced incredible results for people- and you’ll learn from the mistakes of others- that’ll save you a lot of time and money. Don’t go out there with ego thinking you already know everything. Soak up as much knowledge as you possibly can! 

What advice do you give to your listeners when you share your knowledge at live shows? 

When I’m on live stages with hundreds in attendance- I try to train people in optimization. The key is to master your body, your focus, your mind, and your self. If you do that, you can take on any industry you want and you’ll succeed. I’m proud of the effect my words have had on many aspiring business owners. They’ve optimized their workdays, their intelligence, their ability to create systems, and consequently reached their goals faster. 

What have you been up to during isolation? 

While I’m in isolation, I work about 8-12 hours a day on my businesses- the usual… I have no distractions/friends inviting me to South Africa, Miami, or London. My focus is entirely on my businesses. I isolated myself and worked on my businesses and health. Scaling them past any revenue ceilings I saw in the past. In my businesses, there’s always a to-do list of optimizations, and even if I had 10000 hours in a day, I’d still never finish everything I could do to improve my businesses. We strive for perfection, and although we know we’ll never get there, it’s still a goal we’ll keep on chasing. 

Where can our readers keep up to date with you on social media? 

My Instagram is @Max.Trub. That’s where I’m most engaging with my followers sharing everything I can about online business! I also have a Youtube channel: Maxim Trubitski & I post business tutorials as much as I can there!
