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Did Brittney Griner have a male or female birth? Cherelle Watson, the spouse, dispels transgender ru

Did Brittney Griner have a male or female birth? Cherelle Watson, the spouse, dispels transgender rumors

Brittney Yevette Griner, an American professional basketball player, competes for the Phoenix Mercury in the Women’s National Basketball Association. She played collegiate basketball in Waco, Texas, for the Baylor Lady Bears.

Recently, a Russian court south of Moscow found Griner guilty of drug possession and smuggling. She also received a nine-year prison sentence. The length of her arrest will depend on negotiations between the United States and Russia regarding a prisoner swap.

Griner has endured several negative comments about her sexual orientation and questions about her gender identity for a very long time. People are wondering what will happen as a result of the current imprisonment news spreading her name around the Internet. For more information on the basketball player, continue reading.

Brittney Griner

Did Brittney Griner have a male or female birth? Transgender Myths

Brittney Griner was a female when she was born. She is Raymond Griner and Sandra Griner’s child. She does not identify as a transgender person or as a male. Instead, she is a lesbian.

On February 11, 2013, Brittney first made her sexual orientation public by coming out of the closet. She has been harassed because of her sexual inclination for a very long time.

She mustered the resolve to reveal her true identity in 2013, which came as a huge shock to her parents and exacerbated the tension between her and her father.

Despite the fact that her father did not embrace Brittney, she disproved the main myth that surrounded her life. She is not a transsexual simply because she has a different personality from other ladies.

Additionally, she plays basketball while dressing and acting like a male. She claimed that the only time she had worn a woman’s clothing was at her mother’s request, and that she had vowed never to do so again.

Questions Regarding Cherelle Watson, Griner’s Wife, And Sexuality

The fact that Brittney has had relationships is another major factor in why people talk about her sexual orientation.

The basketball player has been in the same relationship twice, but her first marriage to Glory Johnson, another basketball star, ended abruptly. 2016 saw the couple’s divorce after just one year of marriage.

Cherelle Watson, who later went by Cherelle Griner, is the spouse of Brittney. Cherelle fully supports Brittney, and they were married in June 2019. She has reportedly frequently stood up for Griner when she has been made fun of for her sexual inclinations.

Following her detention on March 6 in Russia, Brittney Griner is presently undergoing a drug trial. Earlier today, the Moscow court held a hearing to announce Griner’s conviction for drug charges and her nine-year prison sentence.

US President Joe Biden has issued the following statement: “Brittney Griner, an American citizen, was wrongfully detained by Russia, as evidenced by the fact that she was given a prison sentence today. It’s outrageous, and I demand that Russia free her right away so she can be with her wife and other family members, friends, and teammates.”

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